Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Signed, sealed, delivered: ARRA is now law.

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009 at 4:25 pm
Signed, sealed, delivered: ARRA

The economic recovery package is essential for our nation's economy, for its infrastructure, and for our energy, health, and education needs -- and now it's the law.

After months of planning and weeks of negotiation, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act today in Denver, CO.

"What I am signing is a balanced plan with a mix of tax cuts and investments. It is a plan that’s been put together without earmarks or the usual pork barrel spending. And it is a plan that will be implemented with an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability," President Obama said before signing the bill into law. "And we expect you, the American people, to hold us accountable for the results. That is why we have created Recovery.gov – so every American can go online and see how their money is being spent."

That site, Recovery.gov, is now live. You can go there to see projections -- based on language in the legislation -- of where your money will go, broken down state-by-state. And over the coming weeks and months, as the funds start to go out, you'll be able to see far more detailed information.

It's just the beginning of a long process, of course -- on Air Force One today, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs called it "a strong start towards economic viability."

"Our American story is not -- and has never been -- about things coming easy," the President said in his remarks at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. "It’s about rising to the moment when the moment is hard, converting crisis into opportunity, and seeing to it that we emerge from whatever trials we face stronger than we were before."


  1. These are bold plans at a time of crisis, not only for the US but the world’s economic stability. Approached with transparency through Recovery.gov adds what has been previously missing. Many countries and government should adopt the same openness in there use of public funds.

  2. There was other news coming from the White House too. Right now, I'm disgusted with both parties. I hear rhetoric and B.S. coming from both sides. Me? I'm disappointed in the bill he signed. Not from a left OR right perspective, just as an American citizen.

  3. What don't the boneheads in Washington understand. The founding fathers were against centralized gov't. That's why they ran as far and fast as they could from Uncle George and built Uncle Sam a new house.
    Feds were suppose to protect the states from foreign enemies and protect our shores. But as usual, hack politicians continue to bleed off state's rights and blame it on the state's inability to handle their own problems.
    We really started losing control over our country when the Federal Reserve was rammed down America's throat! Since when was it a good idea for a private company to be granted the privilege and right to print our money and then charge us interest on our own money.

    The American populace was really duped with that sneaky little move. And then there's the tiny little fact that the personal income tax was never ratified by 26 states, which makes the collection of personal income tax collection a form of strong arm robbery of the citizenry of the United States. But no one seems to care about that either.

    This economic stimulus plan signed today by our newly elected President will prove to be a total boondoggle.And as the Democrats always accused the Repubs of running up major debt they are going to end up on the other end of that stick with egg on their face and we citizens will end up with empty pockets.
